Saturday, May 9, 2015

A New Beginning!

The past few years have been a blur to me. It's no wonder I haven’t posted consistently on this blog since 2011. My life has been full of ups and downs, twists and turns. But it's time to start taking control, start doing what makes me happy, be in charge of my life for the first time in a very long time... time for a new beginning! It’s a chance to get this blog started and let it reflect my passion…

So a little about me... My name is Stacie. I live in York, Pennsylvania. I am a 46 year old mother of two beautiful "adult" daughters ( they will always be my babies.) They have always been my rock. As they approach the point of their lives, starting their own journey, it makes me feel all sorts of emotions. Most of all I am proud of the strong, independent young women they have become. No matter where life may lead them, I will always be here for them. Additionally, I suffer from Crohn’s disease and my health has been a roller coaster ride the past few years. Living with an invisible chronic illness is extremely difficult. It takes a toll on me physically, mentally and most of all emotionally. It is a daily struggle.

 My personal life had been a bumpy road for a very long time. From my high school boyfriend committing suicide at the age of seventeen to a mentally and verbally abusive marriage for 17 years, to surviving a house fire last year... I’ve been through it all. Miraculously I’m still standing. The last chapter of my past isn’t officially closed but I am proud to report I have finally found contentment and happiness. Over two years ago I found my soul mate, who knew he was right there all along back in high school. If we both would have done things differently 30 years ago, our paths would have merged then. Thankfully we have our second chance now. 

­At this point you are probably wondering, what does any of this have to do with a book blog? Good question….

My life and the path I have been on, has lead me to discover cozy mysteries. They have become my best friends, my family, and my escape from reality. We’ve laughed together and cried together. Cozies have gotten me through the dark days of my marriage and gave me hope during long nights after surgery. They have never let me down; they are the one constant that I know can make me smile. I live vicariously through the characters and have had the pleasure of getting to know some of the authors behind the stories as well. Cozies have given me love and encouragement, the inner strength to not give up.

I have a new meaning and purpose of this blog. I dedicate it to all things cozy. I plan on posting about upcoming releases as well as old favorites. I have a “to be read” list that is a couple miles long. I wish I could read faster but at the same time I enjoy getting lost in the book and hate when I get to the end. I want to post reviews and give insight into the characters and story lines. I know that there are a lot of blogs out there that do the same thing but I’m hoping mine will have a slight twist. Mine will be a piece of my heart, my soul, my new focal point. It will be a location to channel myself and a place to pick up the pieces and take control again. It will be a place to turn my tears into laughter. A place where I rediscover and explore who I am and who I am still destined to become. A place to just be me.

Here's to a wonderful, magical, Cozy life!!!

June New Releases

The following Cozy Mystery Books will be released in June 2015.:

I know there are others that are being released each month. My list includes the authors /series that I am following and have on my tbr list. I am constantly making additions.If the listing has an *, it indicates a series that I have started reading. When making my reading selections, I try to mix new to me series as well as old favorites each month.

Kathy Aarons - Truffled to Death (This will be the 2nd in the Chocolate Covered Mystery Series.)

Sparkle Abbey - Downton Tabby (This will be the 7th in the Pampered Pets Mystery Series.)

Ellie Alexander (aka Kate Dyer Seeley) - A Batter of Life and Death (This will be the in the Bakeshop Mystery Series.)

Lorna Barrett (aka Lorraine Bartlett & L.L. Bartlett) - A Fatal Chapter (This will be the 9th in the Booktown Mystery Series.) *

Lynn Cahoon - Dressed to Kill (This will be the 4th in the Tourist Trap Mystery Series.)

Janet Cantrell (aka Kaye George) - Fat Cat Spreads Out (This will be the 2nd in the Fat Cat Mystery Series.)

Kate Carlisle - Ripped from the Pages (This will be the 10th in the Bibliophile Mystery Series.) *

Sheila Connolly (aka Sarah Atwell) - Privy to the Dead (This will be the 6th book in the Museum Mystery Series.) *

Maya Corrigan - Scam Chowder (This will be the 2nd in the Five-Ingredient Mystery Series.)*

Elizabeth Craig (aka Elizabeth Spann Craig & Riley Adams) -  Tying the Knot (This will be the 5th in the Southern Quilting Mystery Series.)

Krista Davis - The Diva Steals a Chocolate Kiss (This will be the 9th in the Domestic Diva Mystery Series.)*

Annie Knox (aka Wendy Lyn Watson) - Collared for Murder (This will be the 3rd in the Pet Boutique Mystery Series.)

Joyce and Jim Lavene (aka J.J. Cook & Ellie Grant): A Watery Death (This will be the 7th in the Missing Pieces Mystery Series.)*

Laura Levine - Death by Tiara (This will be the 13th in the Jaine Austen Mystery Series.)*

Nancy J. Parra (aka Nancy Coco): Bodice of Evidence (This will be the 2nd in the Perfect Proposals Mystery Series.)

Penny Pike (aka Penny Warner): Death of a Chocolate Cheater (This will be the 2nd in the Food Festival Mystery Series.)*

Rosie Pressey - All Dressed Up and No Place to Haunt (This will be the 2nd in the Haunted Vintage Mystery Series.)

Maggie Sefton - Purl Up and Die (This will be the 13th in the Knitting Mystery Series.)*

Paige Shelton - Bushel Full of Murder (This will be the in the 7th in the Farmers’ Market Mystery Series.)